NELO Life Pre-Launch Exceeded Expectations With Over 6000 Members.

Nelo Life Prelaunch

NELO Life, The Lifestyle Membership Company with the tagline – Teach, Travel, Transform, initiated its pre-launch phase on April 11th, 2024.

I contacted Eric Allen for some behind-the-scenes info on the shape of the future. He didn’t have much time, but he gave me some details and directions to find behind-the-scenes info to share. Eric did share that the company even, with some tech challenges, has reached over 6000 enrolled members in the first 24 hours.

Jenis B. Minaya, a communication admin in one of the official NELO Life Community Groups, shared that the state-of-the-art back office and dashboard will be available for NELO Life members in just a few days. She also announced that co-founder Eric Allen is confident the app will be out within the second quarter of 2024.

Jenis also shared that the company is working diligently to create a communication community for NELO Life customers where they can find information about products and services. When done correctly, this can be very helpful in driving customer growth and retention.

Like any pre-launch, there are bound to be some challenges. Something I found refreshing in monitoring the NELO Life pre-launch is how their tech team is all hands on deck. It brought back memories of Tim Sanders ( & former Chief Solutions Officer @ Yahoo) and his team when they launched the first-ever Victoria’s Secret virtual fashion show via You can plan, but until it happens, you don’t know what to expect. The NELO Life Tech Team, led by Orkan Arat, VP of Technology, and Tuan Nguyen, monitored the traffic and quickly upgraded the IT Infrastructure to handle the strong, consistent traffic of members joining the company.

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Author’s Disclosure: Troy Dooly has long-standing personal and business relationships with Nick Sorenson and Eric Allen, two co-founders of NELO Life. Troy Nihart, the president of this website’s parent company, has a long-standing personal and business relationship with Larry Lane, a co-founder of NELO Life.

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